Withdrawal Management

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  • Contains 36 Product(s)

    ​The ASAM Fundamentals of Addiction Medicine 40-Hour Program is an innovative educational program empowering primary care and other providers to identify, treat, and/or refer patients at risk for or with addiction. The curriculum is designed for healthcare professionals who received little addiction education during their medical training.​

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      • Non-Member - $895
      • Regular Member - $695
      • Retired - $695
      • Early Career Physician - $695
      • Resident - $695
      • Student - $495
      • Associate - $495
      • ASAM Staff - Free!
      • International Member - $695
      • Emeritus Member - $695
      • Provisional Member - $695
      • Honorary Member - $695
      • CRT Member - $695
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  • Contains 3 Component(s), Includes Credits

    Despite over 10 years of office-based treatment for opioid dependence, the optimal dose for buprenorphine therapy is still not known. In this focus session we will review existing evidence from the literature about the relationship between buprenorphine dose and treatment outcomes. We will then share results from our recent study that specifically addressed this question. We will then conclude with a discussion about optimal buprenorphine dosing for outpatient practice and methods for studying it.

    • Register
      • Regular Member - $21
      • Retired - $21
      • Early Career Physician - $21
      • Resident - $16
      • Student - $16
      • Associate - $16
      • ASAM Staff - Free!
      • Non-Member - $27
      • International Member - $21
      • Emeritus Member - $21
      • Provisional Member - $21
      • Fellow Member - $21
      • Honorary Member - $21
      • CRT Member - $21
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